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October 13, 2011

Pangandaran Beach

Pangandaran beach is a beach located on the south coast as well as by AsiaRooms are the best beaches on the island of Java, is a tourist attraction on the coast of West Java. This beach is located in the Village Pananjung, District Pangandaran with a distance of ± 92 km south of the city Ciamis. Some features of this beach include:

- Able to see the sunrise and sunsets from the same place
- Sloping beach with clear water and the distance between the ups and downs are relatively long so allow us to swim safely
- There is a beach with white sand
- There are rescue teams coastal tourism
- The road is paved smooth environment with adequate street lighting
- There is a marine park with fish and marine life is stunning.
- Place the landing of Japanese troops during World War II, therefore, there still are several cave defenses Japanese troops who had made ​​hiding places of Japanese soldiers who intend to attack the Dutch army.

Pelabuhan Ratu Beach

Pelabuhan Ratu beach is a resort on the Indian Ocean on the south coast of West Java. The location is situated about 60 km to the south of Sukabumi.

This beach is known to have waves that are strong and therefore dangerous to swimmers beach. Topography in the form of a combination of steep and gently sloping beaches, steep cliffs, pounding surf and forest nature reserves.

Because this place has its own charm, resting place of President Sukarno founded in 1960 in the Tenjo Resmi. In addition, at the initiative of Sukarno also established the Ocean Beach Hotel, one of the first luxury hotel built in Indonesia at the same time with the Hotel Indonesia, Bali Beach Hotel, and Convenience Stores "Sarinah", all of which use the funds from the Japanese war loot.

In addition to large hotels and luxury Ocean Beach Hotel, in this area there are also a number of hotels and small inns. Not far from the beach Palabuhanratu there are several other tourist locations.

Karanghawu beach, which is located about 20 miles from downtown Palabuhanratu, a coastal rock that juts into the sea and holes in some parts of it. Corals form more like the furnace, in Sundanese called "Hawu". Other beaches are located in this area include the Coast Cibareno, Cimaja, Cibangban, Break Water, Citepus, Kebon Kelapa, and Tenjo Resmi.

Approximately 17 miles of beach Palabuhanratu there are hot springs in Cisolok, where the water contains a high sulfur and useful for health.

Around Palabuhanratu, there are at least nine points for surfing locations, namely at Stone Guram, Karang Sari, Samudra Beach, Cimaja, Karang Haji, Indicator, Sunset Beach, Ombak Tujuh to Ujung Genteng. Each beach has waves with its own characteristics.

Community, especially the south coast Palabuhanratu believe there sea south of the ruling Queen of South. That said, he was a beautiful queen like an angel. In the South Seas - another name for the Indian Ocean - south of the island of Java, she is seated on a royal spirits are great and beautiful.

In April the surrounding community usually held ritual ceremonies Palabuhanratu Fisherman's Day. Fishermen's Day is meant as a celebration of sustenance they have earned from the sea and to be kept away from disaster. Usually the ceremony is provided by the offerings of buffalo head which will be released to sea.

Palabuhanratu beach is also known as a place to lay eggs and breeding turtles are threatened with extinction, and hence including one of the protected animals in the world.


Mount Tangkuban Parahu

Mount Tangkuban Parahu is one of a mountain located in the province of West Java, Indonesia. About 20 km to the north of Bandung, with a lush carpet of pine trees and nearby tea gardens, mountain Tangkuban Parahu have as high as 2084 meters altitude.

The shape of this mountain is Stratovulcano the eruption center that moves from east to west. Rock types are mostly excreted in the eruption of lava and sulfur, a mineral which is a sulfur-sulfur removed, minerals incurred when the mountain is not active sulfur vapor. The average daily temperature is 17oC during the day and 2 ° C at night.

Mount Tangkuban Parahu have dipterocarp forests Mount, Upper dipterocarp forest, Montane forest, and mountain forests or forest Ericaceous

The origin of Mount Tangkuban Parahu associated with Sangkuriang legend, narrated in love with his mother, Dayang Sumbi. To thwart her intentions to marry her, so Dayang Sumbi Sangkuriang proposed requirement makes the boat overnight. When the effort failed, Sangkuriang angry and kicked the boat, so it landed upside down in a state. The boat is then formed Mount Tangkuban Parahu.

Mount Tangkuban Parahu include an active volcano whose status is being watched by the Indonesian Directorate of Volcanology. Some of the crater is still showing signs of activity of this mountain. Among the signs of this volcano is the appearance of sulfur gases and hot springs at the foot of his mountain of whom are in Ciater, Subang.

The existence of this mountain as well as topographic relief in the form of Bandung basin with hills and mountains on each side to strengthen the theory of the existence of a lake (crater) is now a major area of ​​Bandung. Is believed by geologists that the highlands Bandung with a height of approximately 709 m above sea level is the remnant of an ancient volcanic explosion known as the Sunda Mountain and Mount Tangkuban Parahu is the remnant of an ancient Mount Sunda still active. This phenomenon can be seen on Mount Krakatau in the Sunda Strait and Ngorongoro district in Tanzania, Africa. So the legend that is the story of the community Sangkuriang region is believed to be a public documentation of ancient Sunda Mountain area to the events at the time.

Ayer Island

The island of Ayer is one of the cluster of islands located in Kepulauan Seribu. Administratively the district is included in Kepulauan Seribu region provinces of Jakarta, Indonesia. The island of Ayer dubbed as the Pearl Islands. Extent of less than ten acres, adjacent to the Marina Beach, Ancol.

The island is welcoming visitors since 1950. Even during his lifetime, former President Sukarno made Ayer island as a resting place. Former President Sukarno had also invited former President Tito of Yugoslavia and the former UN Secretary General, U Nu, visited this island. Cottage floating on the water with ethnic style resort island of Papua is the pride of the distance is only 14 km (30 minutes) from Marina Ancol.

In this island are also available cottages located on the beach, fishing facilities at night, jet skiing and banana boat. This island is one of the islands of Kepulauan Seribu that have a source of fresh water.

October 05, 2011

Lake Maninjau

Maninjau Lake is a lake in the district of Tanjung Raya, Agam regency, West Sumatra province, Indonesia. The lake is located about 140 kilometers north of Padang, West Sumatra's capital, 36 kilometers from Bukittinggi, 27 kilometers from Lubuk cone, Agam regency capital.

The lake is listed as the eleventh largest lake in Indonesia. While in West Sumatra, Maninjau is the second largest lake after Lake Festival which has an area of ​​129.69 km ² are located in two districts of Tanah Datar and Solok regency. In the vicinity of Lake Maninjau there tourist facilities, like hotels (Maninjau Indah Hotel, Pasir Panjang Permai) as well as lodging and restaurantsLake Maninjau is a source of water for the river named Batang Sri Antokan.

In one part of the lake which is the headwaters of Batang Hydroelectric Maninjau Sri Antokan there. The highest peak around Lake Maninjau known as Puncak Lawang. To be able to reach the lake from the direction of Bukittinggi Maninjau if it will pass through the winding road known as the Curved 44 along approximately 10 miles starting from the  Ambun Pagi until the Maninjau.

Maninjau which is a volcanic lake is situated at an altitude of 461.50 meters above sea level. Broad Maninjau about 99.5 km ² and has a maximum depth of 495 meters. Formed due to volcanic eruptions are named Sitinjau (according to local legend), this can be seen from the shape that resembles a hill around the lake like a wall. According to legend the Minang aspect, the existence of Lake Maninjau closely related to the story of Bujang Sembilan.

October 03, 2011

Bogor Botanical Garden

Bogor Botanical Gardens was originally a part of the 'samida' (artificial artificial forest or park) that most do not have existed in the reign of Maharaja Sri Baduga (Prabu Siliwangi, 1474-1513) of the Kingdom of Sunda, as stated in the inscription Batutulis.

Artificial forest was intended for the purposes of protecting the environment as a place to nurture the seeds of rare wood. In addition samida it also made a similar samida on the border with Bogor Cianjur (Forest Ciung Vanara). Forest is then left after the defeat of the Sunda kingdom of Banten Sultanate, until the Governor-General van der Capellen built cottage in one corner in the middle of the 18th century.

At the time of the leadership figures that have been carried out activities of production of a catalog of Bogor Botanical Gardens, a complete listing of collection Cryptogamae plants, 25 species of gymnosperms, 51 species and 2200 species Monocotyledonae Dicotyledonae, business introduction important economic crop in Indonesia, collecting plants useful for Indonesia (43 types, including vanilla, coconut oil, quinine, gutta percha, sugarcane, cassava, maize from America, ironwood from Palembang and Kalimantan), and develop internal institutional Botanical Gardens.

Bogor Botanical Gardens is always experienced significant development under the leadership of Dr. Carl Ludwig Blume (1822), JE. Teijsmann and Dr. Hasskarl (era of the Governor-General Van den Bosch), J. E. Teijsmann and Simon Binnendijk, Dr. R.H.C.C. Scheffer (1867), Professor. Dr. Treub Melchior (1881), Dr. Jacob Christiaan Koningsberger (1904), Van den Hornett (1904), and Prof.. Ir. Koestono Setijowirjo (1949), which is the first Indonesian who served a leading international research institutes.

On May 30, 1868 Bogor Botanical Gardens officially separate the management is with the Bogor Palace pages. At first, this garden will only be used as an experimental garden for plantation crops that will be introduced to the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia). But in its development is also used as a forum for research scientists of that era (1880-1905). The establishment of the Bogor Botanical Gardens can be said to initiate the development of science in Indonesia.

From this was born a few other scientific institutions, such as the Bibliotheca Bogoriensis (1842), Herbarium Bogoriense (1844), Cibodas Botanical Garden (1860), Laboratory Treub (1884), and the Museum and Laboratory of Zoology (1894). In 1822 Reinwardt returned to Holland and was replaced by Dr. Carl Ludwig Blume conduct an inventory of the collection of plants that grow in the garden. He also compiled the first catalog of the garden were recorded as many as 912 species (species) of plants.

Implementation of development of this garden has been postponed due to lack of funds but then again pioneered by Johannes Elias Teysmann (1831), an expert in the palace gardens Governor-General Johannes van den Bosch. With the assistance of Karl Justus Hasskarl, he made arrangements and growing collections by grouping according to the tribes (families). Teysmann later replaced by Dr.. Rudolph Herman Christiaan Carel Scheffer in 1867 became director, and continued later by prof. Dr. Melchior Treub. Approximately 47 hectares of land around the presidential palace in Bogor and the former first samida clear land for botanical gardens. Reinwardt became its first director from 1817 until 1822.

This opportunity is used to collect plants and seeds from other parts of the archipelago. Bogor immediately became the center of agriculture and horticulture development in Indonesia. At that time an estimated 900 live plants grown in the orchard. In May 18, 1817, Governor General Godert Alexander Gerard Philip van der Capellen was officially founded with the name of the Bogor Botanical Gardens Buitenzorg s'Lands Plantentuinte. Stance swing begins by putting the first spade in the earth as a sign Pajajaran construction of the vineyard development, whose implementation led by Reinwardt himself, assisted by James Hooper and W. Kent (of the famous Kew Gardens in Richmond, England).

Prof. Caspar Georg Karl Reinwardt is one German who moved to Holland and became a scientist in botany and chemistry. He was promoted to minister of agriculture, arts, and science in Java and beyond. He is interested in investigating the various plants used for treatment. He decided to collect all of these plants in a botanical garden in the city of Bogor, which was then called Buitenzorg (from the Dutch language, which means "do not have to worry"). Reinwardt also a pioneer in the field of making herbarium. He became known as a founder of the Herbarium Bogoriense.

In 1814 Olivia Raffles (wife of Governor-General Thomas Stamford Raffles) died due to illness and was buried in Batavia. For the preservation, monument to him was established in the Bogor Botanical Gardens. The idea stems from the founding of the Botanical Gardens of Abner, a biologist who wrote a letter to the Governor-General GAGPh. van der Capellen. In the letter revealed his desire to ask for a parcel of land that will be used as a garden of useful plants, where teacher education, and collection of plants for the development of the other gardens.

In the early 1800s Governor-General Thomas Stamford Raffles, who inhabit the Bogor Palace and have a great interest in botany, interested in developing pages Bogor Palace into a beautiful garden. With the help of botanists, W. Kent, who helped build Kew Garden in London, Raffles juggle the courtyard became a classic English-style garden. This is the beginning of the Bogor Botanical Garden in its present form.

October 01, 2011

Lake Toba

Lake Toba is a volcanic lake with a length of 100 kilometers and 30 kilometers wide, located in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. This lake is the largest lake in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. In the middle of this lake there is a volcanic island called Samosir Island

It is estimated that Lake Toba explosion occurred at about 73000-75000 years ago and is an eruption (super volcano) the most recent. Bill Rose and Craig Chesner from Michigan Technological University estimate that volcanic materials spewed out of the mountain as much as 2800 km ³, with 800 km ³ of rock and 2,000 km ³ overlies the volcanic ash which is expected in the wind to the west for 2 weeks. Volcanic dust in the wind has spread to half the earth, from China to South Africa. The explosion occurred during a week and throw the dust up to 10 km above sea level. This incident caused mass death and the extinction of some species was also followed. According to some DNA evidence, this eruption also reduced the number of people to about 60% of the total human population of the earth at that time, which is about 60 million people.

The eruption also caused the ice age, although experts are still debating. After the eruption, the caldera formed which is then filled with water and became what is now known as Lake Toba. Upward pressure by the magma that has not come out cause the appearance of the island of Samosir. International multidisciplinary research team, led by Dr. Michael Petraglia, revealed in a press conference in Oxford, the United States that has found a new archaeological sites are quite spectacular by the geologist in the south and north India. On the site it was revealed how people survive, before and after volcanic eruptions (Supervolcano) at Toba 74,000 years ago, and evidence of life under a heap of ashes of Mount Toba. Though the source of the eruption within 3,000 miles, from the distribution of ashes.

For seven years, experts from Oxford University is researching ecosystem project in India, to look for evidence of life and the lives they left behind equipment in a barren desert. Regions with an area of ​​thousands of hectares of this was just savanna (grassland). While the scattered bones of animals. The team concluded, was broad enough area was covered with dust from ancient volcanic eruptions. The spread of volcanic dust is very widespread, is found almost worldwide. Derived from an ancient eruption Supervolcano, namely Mount Toba. Allegations leading to the Mount Toba, because it found evidence of molecular forms of the same volcanic ash in the 2100 period. Since the caldera crater is now a lake Toba in Indonesia, up to 3000 miles, from the source of the eruption. In fact, surprisingly enough, it turns out that the spread of dust to be recorded up to the North Pole. This is reminiscent of the experts, how powerful the super volcano Toba eruption at the time.