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Bisnis Online "Dari Sakit Jadi Duit"

March 28, 2012

National Parks Karimunjawa

Karimunjawa National Park is a cluster of 27 islands that have a type of lowland rain forest ecosystem, seagrass, algae, coastal forest, mangroves, and coral reefs.
Plants that became the hallmark of the National Park Karimunjawa dewodaru (Crystocalyx macrophyla) found in lowland rain forest. Groups of algae that can be found composed of three groups: green algae, brown algae and red algae. Coastal forests and mangrove forests are characterized by the presence of ketapang (Terminalia cattapa), casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia), teak sand (Scaerota frustescens), setigi (Strebus asper), sea hibiscus (Hibiscus tiliaceus), and black mangrove (Rhizophora mucronata).

Types of coral reefs in the Park is a coral reef beach Karimunjawa / edge (fringing reef), coral reef barrier (barrier reef) and a few taka (patch reef). Species richness reached 51 genera, more than 90 species of hard coral and 242 species of ornamental fish. Two types of biota that protected the roots bahar / black coral (Antiphates spp.) And red coral (musica Tubipora).
Other marine protected as head of the goat (Cassis cornuta), triton trumpet (Charonia tritonis), hollow nautilus (Nautilus pompillius), stone game (Turbo marmoratus), and 6 kinds of clams.
Diversity of wildlife in this park land is not too high compared with aquatic animals. Land animals which are common among other deer (Cervus timorensis subspec), long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis karimondjawae); 40 species of birds such as green pergam (Ducula aenea), white belly sea eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster), trocokan / merbah cerukcuk (Pycnonotus goiavier ), parakeet (Psittacula alexandri), hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), green turtle (Chelonia mydas), and snakes edhor. White belly sea eagle is an endangered species in the world.
Around the island there Kemujan Panama INDONO wreck that sank in 1955, where at present a suitable habitat for fish and dive (wreck diving).
Of the archipelago of 27 pieces, five of them were uninhabited island that is Karimunjawa Island, Island Kemujan, Parang Island, Mosquito Island, and Genting Island. Island Karimunjawa a district center which is ± 83 km from the city of Jepara (center craftsman wood carvings in Indonesia).
Karimunjawa name comes from the era Sunan Muria is one of the leaders of Islamic propagator. Sunan relics Nyamplungan / Amir Hasan (son of Sunan Muria) such as catfish (Clarias meladerma) without the shaft, the tomb Nyamplungan, wood dewodaru, sentigi, kalimosodo, and snakes edhor, sacred by residents Karimunjawa.

Some sites / attractions to visit:
Small Menjangan Island, Menjangan Besar, Tanjung Gelam, Legon Lele, Genting, Kembar, Parang, Cemara and Krakal. Marine tourism such as sailing, surfing, water skiing, swimming, sunbathing on white sand beaches, camping, cultural tours, observations of deer and birds and diving / snorkeling. Package tours to visit these islands can contact the travel agency in Semarang / Jepara (tour of up to seven days).

Cultural attractions outside the Park is the Durian and Lomban Festival in January / March in Jepara.
The best visiting season: April to October each year.

How to reach the location: Semarang, Jepara using the bus for 1.5 hours, Jepara (Port Kartini) with up to Karimunjawa Fery / motor boats traveling ± 6 hours old, and there is only once a week (Monday). Of Semarang (Achmad Yani Airport) to the island Kemujan (Bandar Dewodaru) by airplane, once a week

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